29 March, 2008

Alternatives to DNSstuff.com

Here are a few alternatives that i found useful

25 March, 2008


"I do believe... in the rights of victims. I do believe... that they deserve recompense. No matter how significant or insignificant it may be... in comparison to the loss suffered. I've suffered such a loss. And like some of you here... I've spent those sleepless nights... trying desperately to... squelch down that bilish instinct for revenge. And I have wondered... If this pain will... ever abate. I've learnt... that time does not heal the wound. It will though, in its most... merciful way... blunt the edge... ever so slightly." -- 88 Minutes (2007)

21 March, 2008


"The best thing you can do is find a person
who loves you for exactly what you are.

Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty,
handsome, what have you,

the right person is still gonna
think the sun shines out of your ass.

That’s the kind of person
that’s worth sticking with."

-- Juno (2007)